Answer to the quiz...
Publié le 6 Juin 2007
This hasn’t got much to do with Indian culture, but…
I don’t know whether many of you were really interested about the “little quiz” which I had posted at the beginning of May. Well, anyway here’s the answer; the text in Gujarati was from the Pater Noster church in Jerusalem where I went during the Easter vacation , and it is the transcription of the Lord’s prayer. That convent can be found on the Mount of Olives , and it said to be the place where the Ascension took place, and where Jesus might have taught his prayer to his disciples.
Inside and all around the church, there are mosaics of more than 120 versions of the Lord’s prayer, in as many different languages. Here’s a view of the place:
And here the mosaics are visible between the arches.
(Well, if you squint)